Article: How antisemitism became an American crisis (
Full disclosure: I did not read the article - TL;DR. I skimmed it, saw "Trump," and then just scrolled to the bottom while mentally rolled my eyes, and accidentally found the comments section is now open.
Majority of the comments I see are pointing towards that this particular article is a total farce. Some examples:
The propaganda machine is live and well. Good job Yahoo!
Knew they would get to Trump eventually. Everything that becomes "mainstream" in this country driven by the media
Another hysteria created by the media. I find it amazing that this started by attacking Kyrie and Kanye and robbing them of money. How much will Trump and Fuentes have to pay? You people can't think past a computer or TV screen. Your world is no bigger than tiny cell phone screens, computer monitors and TV screens.
Media can't use the black card or the gay card or the trans card or the sexist card anymore??....they gotta try to switch it up toward another race now?? Good grief!
Jewish media taking all preventative measures to ensure the American public that they are superior to any and all other races. You'll NEVER see this type of reaction to racism against Arabs, Nigerians, Asians, Muslims and Christians, Hispanics, Black Americans, Chinese. Russians, Germans, etc .... this should tell you everything you need to know. The people in power behind the scenes are 10000000000 percent Jewish.
There has been much much more documented acts of physical violence directed towards Asians than all the rest combined. Yet the refusal to call it a hate crime or a bias attack is absurd. Whites males, Latinos and Asians requires a much higher bar for it to be considered a bias attack.
Hey! Maybe some of you are thinking too much "antisemitic" news these days, and not enough hollow cost movies this year, but Spielberg has a new quasi-biograph about growing up jewish (The Fabelmans) and another "Fleishman is in Trouble" flick about jewish something or other. Just don't dare think that they control the media and Hollywood. That's.. you know.. antisemitic!
Very well done. An article manipulated into attacking the church and every Republican they could think of. Democrats don't debate issues anymore, there's no value in that. The winning formula is extreme character assassination. They have it down to a science and it works every time.
As Q said, shaping a narrative takes time, especially this one. We may still have ways to go before penetrating this layer and linking its sub-populace to Kharzarian Mafia/Synagogue of Satan, but seeing this is welcome as far as awakening goes. What I don't get is why the comment section has reopened, knowing these kinds of comments are what closed it in the first place?
I am very proud of being part of the reason yahoo closed the comments and lost 90% of their traffic. WE were exposing their lies by 10 to one. It was almost the same as TGA.