Raland J. Brunson, Petitioner
Alma S. Adams, et al.
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They are saying they expect a decision on this case by Friday. Cross your fingers because if they decide to move forward with it all 344 defendants will be immediately removed from office and arrested.
Aren’t they just deciding if they will the case or not?
They have taken the case, they can draw it out as long a necessary to rule. It seems there are 380 defendants. The executive branch and all but about 100 Senate and Congress ( those that called for 10 days of review before certification). The case hits at the core of decades of abuse of oath and exposing citizens to the potential of a foreign power to overthrow our government. It simplistic and shows violation of the Constitution and Us Code. It has legs and it made it into the Supreme Court. They have never had a case with this much power in history…
We will see what happens, this one will be extremely hard to explain away if they rule against.
the petition for a writ of certiorari on the us supreme court website under case 22_280 stats "the following 388 Respondents are a party to this action as defendants in the trail court:"