The people that succumbed to the cabal's fear machine and trusted Big Pharma and the medical community by taking the jab are now finding out that they have been duped - and that it is very likely going to cost them their lives sooner or later.
They have made a bad decision. The only worse decision would be to not accept Jesus Christ. That decision would ensure a second death which is an eternity in hell. I urge all that have not done so, to turn from sin and accept Jesus Christ by faith as your personal Savior without delay. This life on earth is a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. Don't make another bad decision! God bless.
I find your comment interesting. I have several family members that follow the bible and said they prayed about getting the jab before they decided to get it. And, one of them, who is an elder in his church, continues to get boosted.
People can follow Jesus and the bible yet still drink the Kool Aid. As I said, my family members prayed about getting the jab and they got it. So, I don't agree with your stance that it is either one or the other.
The majority of those that got the first jab soon after decided not to get boosted but the others are still doing it. Yet, they talk as if they are based, which makes me wonder. Can someone be based and still get the jab?
God never told anyone to inject poison into their body. PERIOD.
And I certainly never said that you couldn't be a Christian if you took the vax. Christians make mistakes and Christians commit sins. They need to repent and ask the Lord to heal their poisoned bodies.
That would be fine, so long as they stop putting the poison in their body. Otherwise, it is the same as an addict that willingly continues to do drugs to ask the Lord to heal their body of the drugs.
The Lord said, "Fear not".
The people that succumbed to the cabal's fear machine and trusted Big Pharma and the medical community by taking the jab are now finding out that they have been duped - and that it is very likely going to cost them their lives sooner or later.
They have made a bad decision. The only worse decision would be to not accept Jesus Christ. That decision would ensure a second death which is an eternity in hell. I urge all that have not done so, to turn from sin and accept Jesus Christ by faith as your personal Savior without delay. This life on earth is a drop in the bucket compared to eternity. Don't make another bad decision! God bless.
I find your comment interesting. I have several family members that follow the bible and said they prayed about getting the jab before they decided to get it. And, one of them, who is an elder in his church, continues to get boosted.
People can follow Jesus and the bible yet still drink the Kool Aid. As I said, my family members prayed about getting the jab and they got it. So, I don't agree with your stance that it is either one or the other.
The majority of those that got the first jab soon after decided not to get boosted but the others are still doing it. Yet, they talk as if they are based, which makes me wonder. Can someone be based and still get the jab?
God never told anyone to inject poison into their body. PERIOD.
And I certainly never said that you couldn't be a Christian if you took the vax. Christians make mistakes and Christians commit sins. They need to repent and ask the Lord to heal their poisoned bodies.
That would be fine, so long as they stop putting the poison in their body. Otherwise, it is the same as an addict that willingly continues to do drugs to ask the Lord to heal their body of the drugs.