Listen, imagine a very busy world and tons of distractions, PIle on top a busy work week and raising a family at the same time. Bread and circuses everywhere. Now imagine your only sorce of information is the MSM. or local news. Or the radio as you drive into work. Many, not all but many were lied to and deceived. They are now finding out what has been done to them. Add to that they got their beautiful son/daughter sterilized with the gene therapy shot disguised as a preventative care. They are going to be very angry at what has been done to them. I would like to think I'm super smart but they f-ed up when they pushed too hard. Free vacation days, free doughnuts really. It was my somethings wrong signal. It was all super coordinated. This clown show told me they were up to something. It took me a long time to find the GAW and get informed.
Well put. Completely agree. I fully trusted that the government were here to protect us and our interests before the clot shot came out. I had a very WRONG idea of who's on my side ... and who was my enemy all along.
Turns out, my friends and allies were the rejects and the ones that society wants to mock. Ha. Who knew.
I really did think the government had our best interests in mind. I didn't know that it was deepstate vs commoners. I thought it was USA citizens vs the rest of the world.
Pretty harsh reality to wake up to, when we realize we have more in common with common folks all around the globe rather than our own leaders.
Listen, imagine a very busy world and tons of distractions, PIle on top a busy work week and raising a family at the same time. Bread and circuses everywhere. Now imagine your only sorce of information is the MSM. or local news. Or the radio as you drive into work. Many, not all but many were lied to and deceived. They are now finding out what has been done to them. Add to that they got their beautiful son/daughter sterilized with the gene therapy shot disguised as a preventative care. They are going to be very angry at what has been done to them. I would like to think I'm super smart but they f-ed up when they pushed too hard. Free vacation days, free doughnuts really. It was my somethings wrong signal. It was all super coordinated. This clown show told me they were up to something. It took me a long time to find the GAW and get informed.
Well put. Completely agree. I fully trusted that the government were here to protect us and our interests before the clot shot came out. I had a very WRONG idea of who's on my side ... and who was my enemy all along.
Turns out, my friends and allies were the rejects and the ones that society wants to mock. Ha. Who knew.
You fully trusted the government? That's a very honest thing to admit. More than most you probably see the issue with that now.
God says the what is called simple will confound the wise.
I really did think the government had our best interests in mind. I didn't know that it was deepstate vs commoners. I thought it was USA citizens vs the rest of the world.
Pretty harsh reality to wake up to, when we realize we have more in common with common folks all around the globe rather than our own leaders.