Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Easy, Elons Starlink was going hot. Now their are thousands of pieces of debris able to punch holes in the micro satellites. No free internet and communication. All by design. Oops, our bad.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

Q. Weird initials on my ballot. In the clerks area for initialing she doodled an eye with an arrow pointing up right through the center of the eye. I did not have my phone and showed it to my wife. She said it was an initial. This symbol does not even closely resemble a letter. Also her initials were under the eye?

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

I do, We were getting along and race relations were united. I remember I lived it. Then Hope and change showed up. Talking out his ass he started dividing us into us and them. The man in this video is the culprit, he is the one pitting class against class. Race against race. Sex against sex and religion vs. religion. This one man is the divider. He was an asshole then and now is the same person just really wealthy. Able to have his cook die and no one find out what happened. Just like Hillary 56 friends commit suicide unexpectedly. I am sick of these people.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Yes, the shitshow we had to endure from them continues today.

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

Remember how crazy it was when we found out Bill Cosby liked to drug and rape women. I was like, WTF, why would rich wealthy and famous people do this. I'm sure he could have many relationships without raping women. Now in the lens of hindsight.

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

Micro observation, Our money in the U.S. and today's younger people. I have seen that change, ie quarters, nickels, and dimes have become worthless. Have you ever heard of a lucky penny. We'll now at retailers gas stations ect. I'm seeing pocket change being discarded as worthless. It's on the ground, it's left on counters, and it's thrown away. Worthless. I'm shocked at the attitude that coins are worthless. Growing up, finding a nickel was awesome, penny candy was a thing. Now. Our money is considered worthless. Looking at my life savings of 35 years. I use to think it was alot. But reality is. It's not anything. I have slaved away for my entire life. For nothing. The wealthy sneer at my pennies and laugh at my little savings. I have been a slave earning nothing but pennies. Like a whore scrambling after coins thrown in pig shit. With the 1% calling me a fool.

Weneverleft 6 points ago +6 / -0

Russia suffered a population collapse because so many of their people were killed in wars. America is in the middle of a dark winter, event. Insurance companies are seeing the death toll continue to mount. We will suffer for generations. The infected will continue to infect the pure bloods. The gean editing will continue. We will have to actively create pure blood communities if we want gods humans to continue to survive. So many are marked by the beast. I know it sounds racist ??? I'm trying to figure out how human beings survive in a sea of genetically modified beings. Why, were they changed. In what manner was the modification done. What was the intention of the 1% to their slave workers? I know it was not for our benefit. What dark design was pushed into the sheep.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Boxers or briefs retard. Now go and dance like a fool with a hard on in the middle of the press pool on the aircraft. I cannot believe these women never released this video of this idiot. POS, Manchurian candidate. Trator.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

This is so weird, McDonald's the red and yellow colors. I know it's a dig on kama but. Could it be comms? Just weird.

Weneverleft 2 points ago +2 / -0

Hello, Elon, I believe you are " The Man in the Arena" I wish I was that person but I'm not. I would be that timid soul at the edge, just trying to be brave. https://youtu.be/A311CnTjfos?si=DZKY2raDvNiFagVq

Weneverleft 5 points ago +5 / -0

YES!!! The whole Sharia law religion angel is a Trojan horse. YOU CANNOT HAVE TWO MASTERS. You are an American in America one nation under God. The rule of law. Not well sometimes this law or set of rules but sometimes that set of rules. Divide and conquer is the name of the game. Pay attention this Sharia law is bullshit. It's a scam and you are falling for it. BTW, " WE HAD TO KILL OUR SISTER" To save her soul, because she didn't want to be forced into an arranged marriage. Go back to your sand lot if this is how you want to live.

Weneverleft 45 points ago +45 / -0

No, having the government force medical treatment onto human beings that it does not care about and is not affected by is wrong. Now this child, really all the children have to deal with what was done to them. Basically they have been medically raped by the government through force. The victims are now expected to be OK with having things done to them against their will. I would like to turn the tables and through edict force this judge to take his own medicine. Like a full battery of covid shots. Just one after another. Because MSM said it's safe and effective.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Ok , all you potential doctors. Hers a bunny with a pancake on its head. Now imagine global warming and it's effects on your patient. Reality.... none of this has anything to do with a person's health. But indoctrination and libtard reasoning would make logical people's head spin.

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

Well they murdered everyone on the lithium deposit. So mission accomplished.

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

Weird, she was groomed for young Republicans group. Same as captain hook. Both of them are anti Trump. Fair weather friends . They know he's going to win. So now they are painting stripes on themselves. Just like Steve Harvey is now Best buddy with DJT.

Weneverleft 3 points ago +3 / -0

Don't forget hostile architecture. Public spaces that hurt or discourage you from enjoying the park. Now get back to your 15 minute prison bigot.

Weneverleft 6 points ago +6 / -0

Whare did all the pride and artisty go. My sons school has an auditorium built in the 1960s. It's beautiful, the attention to detail is amazing. It's old neglected, has broken doors and sealed off areas. But in it's heyday it was rich and inviting. Now you can still see the grandeur amongst the neglect. Our MODERN buildings today a cheep ugly and drab. Even our new library looks like shit. Stupid tube's cut off at 45 degree angels. Spiral walkways that decend down into nothing. Just artsy FARTSTY, bullshit. Now we lost parking for this ugly boil, on the ass of the building. Their are now only 17 parking spots left. Almost all of them are for handicap. I hope their is a Renaissance for the older beautiful architecture of yesterday.

Weneverleft 4 points ago +4 / -0

Hollywood is like a vampire. They make it look cool and hip. The reality is, vampires are dead things, cold to the touch. Dead, the only semblance to life it the devouring of life around it. Look at how beautiful and vivacious she was then the bloodsuckers gathered around her. Drinking her beauty and devouring her youth. I am surprised she lived to get away. Think of all the child stars and how weird they acted. Think, why do they fall apart? Vampires, and not the " cool" kind. No, just the dead Jewish things feeding on the blood of innocents.

Weneverleft 1 point ago +1 / -0

My brother is still getting the shots. WHY!!! I can't get him to stop. He has to be right and will continue to (get) the vaxx, no matter what. I'm so angry why can't he see, why is he so blinded, why won't he take advice from his brother. His health is already damaged and he still believes their LIES. 10% will not be saved. The MSM, MOCKINGBIRD programming is complete and total, no amount of pleading will change his mind.

Weneverleft 12 points ago +12 / -0

These people should get nothing. The companies involved should be broken up. This was mass murder all for profit and resources. If you let this stand then this is a tactic they will turn to every time. It's evil and it's wrong. Morality should guide people but instead it's greed. An example must be made, let them chew ash. They should get NOTHING.

Weneverleft 8 points ago +8 / -0

So they were murdered. Huh,

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