I just contacted them, and they are not yet hearing from Patriots about how the company is helping the Chinese dictatorship by dropping the app that the protesters use for coordination. Also, Apple is threatening to drop Twitter from the Apple Store because the company believes in censorship, not free speech.
Go woke, go broke. Call and chat with the main company, and contact the Apple stores. Mention a pending boycott. Make it so these assholes can't walk the street. Spread the word. You guys are really good at that.
And, most important, look at Linux for your next computer, and a Musk phone if that happens ("Musk phone" sorta works, doesn't it?). I hope to hell Elon makes a phone. Any suggestions on hardware for a machine with Linux OS?
Send Apple on the downward spiral now enjoyed by Disney, Netflix, FaceBook, and Amazon. And don't forget Bed, Bath, and Beyond when they dropped My Pillow. You Patriots are kicking ass! Now it's time for Apple.
No problem. Linux on the desktop has come a long way, but still far from being accessible like Windows is. I made the decision to not go to Win11, so I've been converting over to Linux instead. My phone is still serviceable, but getting long in the tooth. If it died tomorrow, I'd probably go the Pixel route, only because Linux native phones still need more time in the oven.
If more normies were to wake up, we could really bankrupt these Cabal puppets like Apple. The bread and circuses are too comforting still....