This was their prime motivation in getting the jab. To show how heroic and brave they were and then advertise it for the whole world to see (So hip and cool). These evil wretched ppl tried to force us to take the death jab. Does anyone remember that? Don't tell me to pity these idiots because putting an experimental substance in your body without any research, other than watching shows like "The View" and then trying to force it on others is PURE evil. Oh and another thing when the corpse removal needs to be implemented, you guys can do what you want but, I for one ain't exposing myself to their bloated bodies teaming with all manner of disease. THEY CAN CLEAN UP THEIR OWN MESS!!!
Having said that there are exceptions but, that's just it, EXCEPTIONS
"End transmission. (whenever I end the post with those words means this statement isn't up for debate)
Some of the Vaxxed misbehaved to an irredeemable extension. Imo