Agree 100% & I'd let it bake before buying the "teenager" narrative . A kid who worked for me (this was a huge shock to my wife & I and MANY others) was arrested 9 months or so ago on similar charges (possession & distribution of underage porn). The initial statement was similar, "teenagers 14-15" (he was in mid 20's) and it was just "one incident" that caught him. That hurt. But then the truth came out, weeks / months later and it went way more, deeper & younger; I can't even put it in writing. It really rocked our world when we discovered the truth. These people have no idea how badly it injures the people close to them, the people that trusted them. We have to stop this shit, it's killing us as humans. So dark and demonic. Sorry for the rant.
I totally agree. It is demonic and it's running rampant, absolutely destroying the West. And I'm sorry that someone close to you got caught up in CP. That's tragic and I'm sure it was traumatizing to your family.
Agree 100% & I'd let it bake before buying the "teenager" narrative . A kid who worked for me (this was a huge shock to my wife & I and MANY others) was arrested 9 months or so ago on similar charges (possession & distribution of underage porn). The initial statement was similar, "teenagers 14-15" (he was in mid 20's) and it was just "one incident" that caught him. That hurt. But then the truth came out, weeks / months later and it went way more, deeper & younger; I can't even put it in writing. It really rocked our world when we discovered the truth. These people have no idea how badly it injures the people close to them, the people that trusted them. We have to stop this shit, it's killing us as humans. So dark and demonic. Sorry for the rant.
I totally agree. It is demonic and it's running rampant, absolutely destroying the West. And I'm sorry that someone close to you got caught up in CP. That's tragic and I'm sure it was traumatizing to your family.