This makes me think of a certain "Law & Order" episode. The whole plot was based on some "crazy mom" who didn't believe in jabs ( I think religious reasons?) It made it seem like they were nutjobs and the kids were super sick(maybe died? I forget). But i wanna say, that episode aired around the time this article says people were "noticing "
Thanks for digging and finding the episode fren! May have to watch it again(even though SVU gets more cringe and woke every season). But i am interested in the new comments haha
This makes me think of a certain "Law & Order" episode. The whole plot was based on some "crazy mom" who didn't believe in jabs ( I think religious reasons?) It made it seem like they were nutjobs and the kids were super sick(maybe died? I forget). But i wanna say, that episode aired around the time this article says people were "noticing "
Isn't it from House? (Edit: Oh I apologize, I was wrong. It was a Law and Order SVU episode 16x19 )
Btw look at the newer comments in the video. The anti-vax stance is gaining ground, albeit slowly.
Thanks for digging and finding the episode fren! May have to watch it again(even though SVU gets more cringe and woke every season). But i am interested in the new comments haha