Rupert Murdoch Pays Ron DeSantis Undisclosed Sum with Book Deal Ahead of 2024 Announcement... - The Last Refuge
Previously billionaire Rupert Murdoch paid Megyn Kelly, through advances on her book deal, $10 million for her political efforts in 2015 and 2016. Rupert Murdoch owns Harper Collins book publishing. Book publishing, as done by politicians in both parties,...
Looks like Ron has been outed.
Ron was the bait.
With the Ye thing; the news media and Rino party was the goal.
Trump is clearly in 2016 campaign mode were he massively manipulated the media. Where he spent 10 cents on the dollar to what other candidates paid for media coverage. All media coverage is good, Trump knows how to get the DS to talk about him. Really a win win. We hate the media more for their lies, it re-enforces Trumps brand long term.
Sounds to me like they're trying to throw a bunch of Ross Perot's in to try to ruin Trump's chances. They don't know this sleeping giant, do they?
So have many others, ie: Kristi Noem, Nikki Haley, Tim Scott, Mike Pompeo, to name a few. Great article!
" Book Deals" REALLY ? Q I am confused. Trust my gut, right.
The day he gets the nomination over trump ill know America is finished. Shame on conservatives for even allowing g this thinking. billy cliton ushered this corruption in at the behest of the globalists when he changed all the election contribution laws and then he went off to epstein island, bonking his intern and other high faluting matters
Reading articles like this and the comments that follow have led me to the conclusion nobody really knows what the hell is going on. I’ve been on the Patriot train for 40 years and with Q nearly from the beginning, I see lots of great things happening and hopefully believe there are good forces at work. But I am really tired of all this BS. Maybe RD is positioning himself for a run now our in the future. Lord knows he will need deep pockets. I am a Trumper but we do need some one to carry the mantle in the future even if we can get him back in 24 that would be it. Who is good enough for this board after that?? RD has been a stud in FL and it’s over because he wrote a book?? As they say keep your damn powder dry for the real battles now and to come.
It's a big fight for power.