I hope I can find some private bank in Canada. Going to be having a baby in june/july and I pray I don't need blood. Otherwise I'll die. I used to be a regular blood donor and was signed up for organ donation, but since I'm not 'good enough' to receive a transplant, I took myself off of both lists. I'd rather pay out the ass for banking my own blood than ever take form the mRNA tainted pool.
Can't you donate your own blood to be used in case you need it? It's what I did many years ago. Major back surgery and the possible need for blood, so I went in twice and gave blood in case I needed it.
I hope I can find some private bank in Canada. Going to be having a baby in june/july and I pray I don't need blood. Otherwise I'll die. I used to be a regular blood donor and was signed up for organ donation, but since I'm not 'good enough' to receive a transplant, I took myself off of both lists. I'd rather pay out the ass for banking my own blood than ever take form the mRNA tainted pool.
Can't you donate your own blood to be used in case you need it? It's what I did many years ago. Major back surgery and the possible need for blood, so I went in twice and gave blood in case I needed it.
Yeah, that's exactly what I need to look into. I'm gonna have those questions answered tomorrow.
Please do. I know I felt a lot better about having it ready in case I needed it.
100% Didn't need it for my first one but knowing my luck...