I hope I can find some private bank in Canada. Going to be having a baby in june/july and I pray I don't need blood. Otherwise I'll die. I used to be a regular blood donor and was signed up for organ donation, but since I'm not 'good enough' to receive a transplant, I took myself off of both lists. I'd rather pay out the ass for banking my own blood than ever take form the mRNA tainted pool.
Congrats on the baby! Maybe you can find a few people to be your donor, if you can't find a pure-blood blood bank. Hopefully, you won't need it. You will probably also have to find a doctor who will allow your donors to donate. Some won't.
I hope I can find some private bank in Canada. Going to be having a baby in june/july and I pray I don't need blood. Otherwise I'll die. I used to be a regular blood donor and was signed up for organ donation, but since I'm not 'good enough' to receive a transplant, I took myself off of both lists. I'd rather pay out the ass for banking my own blood than ever take form the mRNA tainted pool.
Congrats on the baby! Maybe you can find a few people to be your donor, if you can't find a pure-blood blood bank. Hopefully, you won't need it. You will probably also have to find a doctor who will allow your donors to donate. Some won't.
My parents, husband and myself. It's a matter of being allowed to. Also, thanks!