I'm on day... 3? 2? First couple days I had a bad headache along with everything else. Now It's just typical flu symptoms. Not as much congestion as before, which is great, but I do have a very runny nose which I find to be quite a nuisance. My taste buds don't seem to be working the same which is a concern... I've heard some people have had a permanent loss of smell and taste so I hope that doesn't happen to me. Otherwise it doesn't seem so bad, it's more or less like the flu lol. I find it a little funny that it's taken me nearly 3 years to finally get COVID. I don't have HCQ/Ivermectin but I am using an alternative protocol that the America's Frontline Doctors recommended.
Still not getting the shot(s). Never will.
Unvaxxed here and got it in late June for the first time ever. Very congested, headache, felt generally crap but the worst symptom was loss of taste something I'd like to add is not a sympton of flu I've ever encountered. Smoking a cig tasted like inhaling burned sugar and food was impossible to dicepher other than texture. I haven't had flu for over thirty years but the symptoms from memory were quite different, for a start I had no temperature with covid. Everything returned to normal after about two weeks. I think those that had more permement loss of smell and taste got and earlier less mutated version of covid.