Today, my heart rate is elevated and I don't like it. Never again.
Today is my first official day sober with the intent of never going back. Ever onward.
To the other patriots who have also quit, hats off to ya. I'm right behind ya.
Today, my heart rate is elevated and I don't like it. Never again.
Today is my first official day sober with the intent of never going back. Ever onward.
To the other patriots who have also quit, hats off to ya. I'm right behind ya.
Much appreciated!
I wanted to comment on the science and logic thing! I feel like that lead me to God.
Evolution... In a completely random chance for existence caused by a physics denying blip floating through space on a rock akin to completely uninhabitable specimens just neatly placed to support something that is capable of adapting to its environment over time. Too many coincidences for me. AND THEN!!!!!!!!!!! A monkey stumbles onto consciousness and can harness it long enough to contemplate its very existence negating all of that precursor information that drove the very existence of life for millions of years?? I mean..... Is that not more farfetched than God or what? BOXING SHRIMP WHAT MORE DO YOU NEED? PISTOL SHRIMP??!!! COME ON!
Hahahahahahaha yeah, you've got a good point.
You know what boggles my mind? Fruit.
Yea! How would a plant know how to make part of it desirable as food in order to complete it's mating cycle? Like seriously..... I have watched, with eyes capable of taking in information to a system that can hold that information, at least partially, cooking shows my entire life, I have put it to practical application, experimented.... Gordan Ramsey would shoot me if he were ever subject to one of my meals, I imagine that would be the general consensus. But... PLANTS.. FROM THEIR INSIDES!!!!! Water and poop!!!!!!! SUNLIGHT! In just the right place. Sure man tweaked it to suit our needs of globalization of anything for a profit but the animals before man didn't mind what they had. Nectar attracts all sorts of critters. Like how did life have time to figure any of that out? How did it build the internal complexes necessary to understand how to change? Why it needed to change? Seriously! I apologize but man!
Exactly! It makes no sense unless it was designed.
How about Dinosaurs? Apparently they got hit with a giant space rock and now they're chickens.
I mean, come on.
They are actually in the Bible and the existence of their bones helps to prove A global cataclysm which appears to be the flood, for me anyway. Petrifaction can happen rapidly in the correct circumstances. They found a dino recently with soft tissue, that is not possible had they gone extinct millions of years ago, at least not in my opinion, in the conditions that promote petrifaction.
There are also depictions of dinosaurs prior to "knowledge" of dinosaurs....
Space rock sites look like volcanoes or eruption sites, perhaps remnants of the Waters Below being brought forth on the face of the earth. Look at those craters that randomly appeared in russia I think and then look at craters. Would a rock from space large enough to leave that mark not leave debris? They just disintegrated on impact?