I usually lurk here, just gleaning headlines, etc., and other than a few things, have done most of my posting over at Patriots. But I'm really bothered with something I'm seeing over there and I wanted to ask about the policy here. Patriots calls itself "The Donald" and that's fine.... but there seems to be so much Jew-hatred and Kayne-worshiping there lately, that I have to ask: how can these same people who champion Donald Trump and claim to be "all things Trump" not see that Trump is one of the best friends Israel has ever had and that he is definitely not antisemitic or a "Jew hater"?
I started out on Gab right after 2020 was stolen and left there because it felt so hateful and dark. I asked Torba how he could be so upset that President Trump wouldn't join Gab when Trump would never align himself with such antisemitism? (He blamed Jared Kushner for Trump's not joining.)
As far as Kanye West: he's a rapper, right? So..... what qualifies him to suddenly become "leader" material? Why is everyone bowing down to him? So,yet another celebrity who seems "based" about the whole vax thing... there are plenty more. I just don't get the attraction to this guy. A swastika in the Star of David? Seriously?
But, I'm rambling and I'm sorry. What I want to ask is this: is the general position at Great Awakening what it seems to be at Patriots (that Jews are to be despised)? No, I'm not a Jew. But I wouldn't be upset if I were. You are born what you are born to be.
Thank you for your time and I hope I don't come off as disrespectful.
Jesus was a Jew, and most people in the world who are upset at Jews at the moment believe that Jesus is God, so there’s that. I think you need to look into what Khazarian “Jews” are and why they ruin the Jewish name in a lot of people’s minds.
I will look into that, thank you.
Put the quotes around "Khazarian." That's another fable, trying to make a fake race of fake Jews. The Khazar empire adopted Judaism as a state religion to spite both Muslims and Christians but there were already real, practicing Jews from the ones in the middle east there when that happened. In fact the first Hebrews came from an area not that far from where Khazaria started and moved far south and east to Haran and Ur.
I seem to be doing better with search results, using freespoke.com than the others.
It's good you came and asked this question over here. You won't get targeted and researched history or good questions over there.
Your journey is part of the Great Awakening. Most of us are cozy over here (for the most part) and just waiting for the rest of the country and world to discover what we've more or less known for some time now.