in the past there have been lots of whistleblower murders: the celebs hung with red sashes, MS-13 got seth rich, Kemp's daughter's BF blown up in his car on the road.. they've committed genocide using war and oppression like in afghanistan, ukraine and china.
Now with the twitter files and pushback from the 22 steal we're seeing what from their side? And with Trump's announcement that he was running we get one missle from ukraine into poland, which was easily debunked when they tried to claim russia. the chinese people are being successful in their protests as the commies are loosening covid restrictions. i'm sure there's more i'm missing.
are the decks truly clear now to start arrests?
The greatest weapon is fear. Fear has been the motivating factor thus far. For the lockdowns, restrictions and ultimately the 'vaccines' which was and is the 'final solution' of the Great Reset agenda. The fact is we know very little about these so called vaccines. The consequences of being injected with an unknown experimental substance by (lets face it) some extremely dubious people under the guise of a worldwide health emergency, does not leave me very hopeful of a good outcome for those who were injected. On the pattern of action thus far, I would be correct in believing more and extreme fear is on the way ...
Fear and control. Undeniable as the results of the Covid-19 campaign has proven. Say what you want, the world locked down, millions, if not billions were injected with an unknown experimental substance, whist simultaneously laws were changed, elections where cheated, energy crisis looms and food shortages have already begun. We still have no idea what these so called vaccines are about ...
Remaining capabilities?
It will be fear based. This much I can be sure of. It is the baseline from which all else is accomplished. Fear gets things done, and uncertainty keeps one locked in. This is why so many are disappointed when 'arrests' and whatnot don't happen. They want the uncertainty to cease. Locked in is no fun. As the media (doesn't matter who you choose) does what it was designed for - to disseminate fear and uncertainty to the masses - we are all pretty much locked in for the ride on this one.
For anyone who cares - fear God. People have forgotten to have a healthy fear of the Lord.
Its obvious to those paying attention fear and uncertainty are the baseline weapons used to steer the agenda forward. Without which it ends in its tracks. But in this 'information age' and all eyes on screens, the hardware baseline weapons are now an integral part of everyone's daily life and in our hands for keeps. The whole world has adopted the very devices designed to keep us locked in. Ingenious isn't it. Diabolical and only the start ...
The hope I am seeing, as we have all seen, is Twitter and other platforms changing the narrative. Dark to light. Understandable and must happen. It really is earth shattering in its implications and a huge indicator to anyone paying attention. The stranglehold must be broken. The power these information delivery systems have on mankind is extraordinary. Literally steer humanity into fear and uncertainty to the point they'll be injected with an unknown experimental substance is one for the history books ...
I don't know what they'll do next exactly, but I do know the economy, energy and food will be used to keep the fear and uncertainty at optimum levels as the battle for the hearts and minds of the worlds people continues. I expect more from both sides as Dark to Light continues unfolding before our eyes. Truly amazing times we live in. Fear not!