According to Q, in post 142 "the truth would put 99% of people in the hospital."
Of all the things Q has said, that is one hell of a spicy comment to make, but what could possibly do that?
Ever since they posted it I have been wondering but nothing I can think of fits.
I mean, even if all the world's worst conspiracies were suddenly revealed to be true, it wouldn't put us all in the emergency ward. Most of us would just go DAYUM, and carry on.
Could we have been implanted with something so that if truths come out the cabal has a global kill switch, something like the plot from Kingsman maybe? The ultimate blackmail?
I realize that is nuts (kek), but a simple truth by itself, how could that put us in hospital?
Any ideas?
Also, there is a theory that in the Adam and Eve story, when kicked out of the Garden of Eden they were “bound in skins” which most believe means they were clothed; another interpretation is that they were actually given bodies of flesh and taken from the realms of light (astral realm/Lord’s Kingdom) and incarnated into physical reality.
From that perspective, Eve biting the apple of knowledge was less a betrayal than it was curiosity. Just as the 4D soul left the astral realms to live on Earth in order to learn more about itself through experiencing linear reality. In the astral, you can have anything you want in an instant so it is hard to learn. To learn about consequences, one must incarnate into the lower realms where cause and effect exist within linear time. In order to know oneself, the soul must leave the divine kingdom and enter a realm of suffering. But through this suffering we learn a ton: we have heroes because we have dark forces to fight.
But then for us to return permanently (not just between lives) to the astral realm/Lord’s Kingdom, we must have the experiences we came here to have and learn the soul lessons we signed up for.
Or perhaps we were the boneless ones and sank deeper and deeper into matter