If we could see through the unscientific mandates, the over reaching, the indoctrination then they as medical professionals should have seen it too. I am a retired RN and I was taught in 1970 that masks were basically ineffective after 20 minutes. They should have raised the alarm regarding mandating an EUA shot that was I adequately tested. So no, I am giving them no excuses, especially those in the hospital who pushed remdesevir knowing it would mostly result in organ failure, intubation and death. How many could have saved their patients by simply drawing a vitamin D level, starting them on a daily regimen of Vitamin C, D and zinc? I worked with patients in an out patient setting several times per week, grocery shopped and came home to my husband who has a history of Stage 4 renal disease, diabetes and hypertension. Neither of us were sick, not even a cold. Our vitamin D levels are great and we take Vitamin C and D daily. If we feel stuffy, we add zinc.
If we could see through the unscientific mandates, the over reaching, the indoctrination then they as medical professionals should have seen it too. I am a retired RN and I was taught in 1970 that masks were basically ineffective after 20 minutes. They should have raised the alarm regarding mandating an EUA shot that was I adequately tested. So no, I am giving them no excuses, especially those in the hospital who pushed remdesevir knowing it would mostly result in organ failure, intubation and death. How many could have saved their patients by simply drawing a vitamin D level, starting them on a daily regimen of Vitamin C, D and zinc? I worked with patients in an out patient setting several times per week, grocery shopped and came home to my husband who has a history of Stage 4 renal disease, diabetes and hypertension. Neither of us were sick, not even a cold. Our vitamin D levels are great and we take Vitamin C and D daily. If we feel stuffy, we add zinc.