509 Brazil Military Kills “Red Command” Cartel Leaders, Prepares Take Over (www.thegatewaypundit.com) LET'S GOOoOoooo!!! posted 2 years ago by larrythepatriot 2 years ago by larrythepatriot +510 / -1 Brazil Military Kills "Red Command" Cartel Leaders, Prepares Take Over Gateway Pundit was the first worldwide to report that the Brazilian military is moblizing under its constitutional authority to protect democracy. Sources on the ground now confirm that the Army is mobilizing and has eliminated key leaders of the Communist... 87 comments share 87 comments share save hide report block hide replies
This is the way. US Military, are you paying attention?
Myanmar and now Brazil. Nice.
Wasn't there some Q post about Asia -> SA -> US -> EU?
Could it be that fraud is exposed in that order?
If so, Myanmar = Asia Brazil = SA US is the USA I hope. EU is EU of course ...
How do you tie Brazil into Asia? Last I checked it was in South America
I added the missing pucnuation. Does that help?