What if the "No one can stop what it's coming" and the "it's gonna be biblical" are meant in a literal way by Q ? I mean most of us , as Christians , believe that the end times that the Bible tell us , will happen and that we are actually really close now because we see the signs that we've been hearing for decades
Many people expect Q and Trump and Putin etc etc to save the world . What if they just can't (knowingly) ?
What if we're just watching the end times movie (=script, =popcorn etc) unravel expecting for the actual biblical ending (=it's gonna be biblical) that nobody can stop (=nobody can stop what it's coming) because its meant to happen and the point of our whole mission (as Q , as Trump/Putin , as Anons etc) is just to save as much people as possible by showing them the reality of humanity's current situation ?
I don't know how to feel about all the things that we've experienced over the last years but it seems like the world is 1 step from the cliff and I can't imagine what would follow a possible 3rd World War in terms of governments making changes (NWO . CBDC etc)
I would like your opinions on this . These are just my thoughts , I could be horribly wrong .
I recently finished reading the Book of Jeremiah and noted this comment in my study Bible reflecting on 26:17-19: "…the eternal God has entered into real give and take relationships with humans in time so that our prayers and responses truly matter and even affect the outcomes of events. God has allowed our choices to be used in the working out of His sovereign plans."