There are a few ways to look at this:
- The turncoats are being flushed out of the thicket. Peek and others are staying true to human nature and are kicking a guy when they think he's down;
- It's a massive psy-op designed to get readers to up and just quit on Trump because according to "experts," it's over;
- All of what we have seen is legitimate and we should just ignore it and shut up;
- DeSantis is the Second Coming of Christ.
I think it's a combination of 1 & 2, but it is likely to confuse a lot of people as to who the good guys and who the bad guys are. Seems like every time you turn around, someone is defecting because we're stupid cultists and they "know better than we do." Since I'm down here at the peon level, what I say about anything really doesn't matter and sure as hell doesn't affect national politics, but I'm telling you, all these so-called experts are only adding fuel to an already raging fire. This country is angry, people feel betrayed, trolls are out in force reminding us of how stupid they think we are, the nuclear family has disintegrated and society is full of immorality, perversion, injustice and hatred. Gee, what could go wrong. Keep telling people how wrong they are and they are bound to show you how wrong you are for belaboring the point.
I speak with tons of “former” Trump normies. These are GOP voters mind you. They don’t see the fraud, they claim “anything I don’t like is fraud!” when brought up. Have jumped off the Trump Train. This is just the pulse. They are tired of the all talk and no action and I mean this at a very baseline nothing to do with Q level.