posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +26 / -1

Heavenly Father we love you so much. Thank you for the gift of life and all the endless blessings you give us each and every day. Thank you for each and every breath we talk all through out our days. By the blood of Christ we declare victory ovef sin. A victory only you can bring but that is free to all those that humble themselves and turb from there wicked ways. A victory that begins to cast out the old sinful self and replaces it with a new being that can rise from the ashes and become a warrior of light in your army. Father i ask that u give me energy, focus and drive to do your will. Help me build healthy routines that will be used to better myself day after day. Protect this group and all that take part in this site. Show us how we can come together in new deeper ways to be used by you for your will. We love yoy so much father. In Jesus Christ glorious name amen

Join us DAILY for 1 min of prayer: 2pm and 8pm est

I am gonna try to start doijg these threads earlier. Im aiming for about 130-2 pk est. Love you all. I am here if anyone needs prayer or a friend to vent to. GOD WINS
