I am not being ugly, but this is exactly how they always win because they have patience to wait out the long game plan and we have none. There is a plan in place and it is NOT on our time plan it is on the militaries by their laws-we need to remember this .
If you do not get that the military has been working right in front of our faces for these past 5 years then you really have not been paying attention. That is what the Law of War Manual is-their laws written down in plain sight being followed as we speak. Add too them all the EO's by Trump and everything else happening I just do not understand how much plainer you want it spelled out.
I am not being ugly, but this is exactly how they always win because they have patience to wait out the long game plan and we have none. There is a plan in place and it is NOT on our time plan it is on the militaries by their laws-we need to remember this .
If you do not get that the military has been working right in front of our faces for these past 5 years then you really have not been paying attention. That is what the Law of War Manual is-their laws written down in plain sight being followed as we speak. Add too them all the EO's by Trump and everything else happening I just do not understand how much plainer you want it spelled out.