Given the increasing number of vaccine deaths and things only set to get worse it is unfortunately a rather safe bet to think this.
The thing is, they gamed this out and this death-toll is the likely best-case scenario with all others being way worse and The Art of War is very much a factor.
These are people willing to commit mass genocide when they think they are in control and winning, so it would be rather critical to make them think this for as long as possible so that as much as possible of their capability of way worse could be neutered as much as possible.
Given what they would do when they believe they are in control and winning, think what they would do if they didn't think this while their 'way worse' capability was largely intact..........
4-6% death toll may be horrific but given the number of people likely having access to means of creating mass-casualties and how spread out they are with all of them as individuals willing to commit genocide to save their own singular ass.
Imagine how much worse this could have been if they didn't think they were winning until the bitter end....
laughs in Bieberface It's going to be a lot more than 4-6%.
Yeah, 13% unexplained excess death rate in several countries, probably everywhere. That's just the first year since the vaccine and especially the year it will be higher. Every year a pronounced increase, unless they figure out how to make their bodies stop producing the spike proteins. Very much doubt they will, if the celebrities developing weird neurological problems are any indicator. Watch for a repeat of last years COVID case spike late this month, except this time the deaths will be heavily weighted toward vaccinated under 50 years old.