I live in one of these towns and once I saw your comment, it tracks. I would bet copper thief. I lived in Baltimore for a bit and crackheads stealing copper pipes from abandoned row homes was commonplace. You are a lot less likely to rob a residence in Florida because you will probably get shot and know it.
Substations have all kinds of voltages, hence the transformers. I've been on the scene of many copper theft crime scenes. And body recovery bc fireman hafta wait for us to get there
Copper thieves (intruders) cause outages all the time. Todd doesn't really know a lot , other then pumping hype.
I live in one of these towns and once I saw your comment, it tracks. I would bet copper thief. I lived in Baltimore for a bit and crackheads stealing copper pipes from abandoned row homes was commonplace. You are a lot less likely to rob a residence in Florida because you will probably get shot and know it.
Yep when I worked at a power station we had a couple of dumb shits cut through the fence to steal copper. One fried himself by touching a 4160 V wire.
Substations have all kinds of voltages, hence the transformers. I've been on the scene of many copper theft crime scenes. And body recovery bc fireman hafta wait for us to get there