People can dislike this message. Or they can dislike the messenger. That is fine. Hopefully everyone will understand what I am saying.
As the Great Awakening train speeds up, there will be a lot of people popping by to see what is going on over here. People that have absolutely no clue who we are, what we think, how we think, and why we gather here will be browsing. This is prime time to add bodies to the ranks from the formerly narcoleptic normies.
However...unsubstantiated/unsupported/unverifiable claims presented as factual are going to blow this massive opportunity. It makes all of us look as buffoonish as the left. And it will only deepen the confirmation bias of normies.
Our community exists to hypothesize, postulate, debate, and evaluate information in pursuit of the truth...wherever that might lead. It is healthy to entertain a wide variety of theories, brain farts, hypotheticals, or whatever. It is also the way that we process all the non stop propaganda bs being sprayed from a firehose across the world. But before you post, comment, upvote, or sure you have some kind of reliable substance behind it. If you don't, that is ok. Just be sure that your dialogue distinguishes your thoughts and opinions from a factual assertion.
Put yourself back in your own shoes however many years ago before you realized something wasn't adding up. Ask yourself how you'd feel if you stumbled upon a community where all sorts of seemingly outlandish stuff was being said. You looked into some of it, and it all came back as bogus or completely unsupported. Do you go back to that place after figuring that out?
None of the above is directed at anyone in particular. Nor am I calling for self or community censoring. All I am saying is that this movement is larger than one person. And everyone here needs to keep in mind that what they say or do here can have an affect on all of us. Especially with the hopes that what we are doing is going to continue bringing people out of their slumber with an awareness of the false reality they have been living. To be the most effective, we need to do our homework, cross all I's and dot all T's.
Be vigilant, anons! One day it will all make complete sense.
edit: Did I really just say cross all I's and dot all T's? 😳
At no time did I say that something cannot be talked about. All I am saying is that people need to be mindful of the way they talk about it. For example, posting a video from twitter in Brazil with absolutely no way to authenticate it and then as a corollary acting as if it is a sufficient basis to conclude "ItS hAbBeNiNg!@!" doesn't do anyone any favors.
That doesn't mean don't post it. It means don't attribute a meaning to it that cannot be substantiated. Its a fair question to ask "is this legit?" or "does this mean what we think it does?" But to be like "holy crap! martial law in Brazil!" serves no useful purpose. Especially when someone lazy can look into it and instantly discover it is not what it is being purported to be.
Want to postulate or let out a brain fart for discussion? Go right ahead. Nothing wrong with that. Its only a bad idea when speculation is presented as fact. That is all I am saying.
I mean, I agree with you, I just talk that trash when I see it. You have a good point but you are walking a fine line, because normal people in this group don't care what you say, they go read it and look for the details because they care about knowing what is going on and actually do the research. If someone is trying to make it entertaining while delivering real info I'm cool with it, when people start posting junk to get their social credit score on this site up I point it out... you tow the line and do both apparently.
If you could shrink it up and make it into a slogan like Make America Great Again and explain all that you said in one catchy phrase I could back you on it though.