Movie plot twist coming up?
Following twitter narratives (Cernovich for example), media narratives, leftie narratives Trump is now over, he is a losing ticket, bringing the Republicans down. He is down and the referee is on nine.
We know how this movie ends.
God wins, but I'd prefer not to have to suffer through the tribulation to get to that point.
Fren, you have to prepare for things to get really really bad - thats the point of precipice, it has to feel real.
At the very least, we can expect banks to freeze people's accounts, food shortage, last ditch effort by mother-weffers to roll out CBDC and stuff like that.
Some events are past the point on no return and it might not be obvious ahead of time what actions those are. Do you know how many addicts have hit rock bottom and just stayed there until their addiction killed them? At some point which can't be very far from here anyone who isn't awake simply doesn't wish to be.