F-n crazy isn’t it? Would you have even thought their population might be swayed this way say...... 3 years ago??? I realize it likely under a non-elected (mostly) corrupt leadership. But who the hell knew it could turn so far so fast?? Same with Aussies and their guns
This is misleading and partially incorrect. The reality is bad enough, and there is no need to fabricate.
It seems C21 and C11 are federal bills.
C36 is a provincial bill in BC, and it applies to regulated health professionals in the province. The bill proposes to allow the government to require vaccination - whichever vaxx the government deems necessary - as a condition for maintaining a licence to practice.
The proposal is to make it illegal for a medical professional to speak out against such types of treatment, and the government could go in secret to obtain a court order against anyone who does speak out. That person could then be subject to search and seizure, a fine up to $200,000, and jail up to 6 months.
I don't think there is anything about being declared mentally insane in this bill.
Thank you for the clarification and additional details - much appreciated. I have to say, it helps a bit, but honestly ( sadly) it doesn’t make me feel a whole lot better about the direction things are going up there. Things are spiraling in the wrong direction. I’m not really sure where the populous stands on such measures. I’d like to think the vast majority are against even those measures of incremental-ism. The convoys provided some hope.
It is very difficult to get a good read on where the people are at. My fear is that too many are deeply sleeping - although the truckers did make clear that the awakened population is not insignificant.
F-n crazy isn’t it? Would you have even thought their population might be swayed this way say...... 3 years ago??? I realize it likely under a non-elected (mostly) corrupt leadership. But who the hell knew it could turn so far so fast?? Same with Aussies and their guns
America had better take heed.. and Never EVER Relinquish Our Constitutional Right to Defend against Foreign and OH SO OBVIOUS Domestic Enemies !!!
This is misleading and partially incorrect. The reality is bad enough, and there is no need to fabricate.
It seems C21 and C11 are federal bills.
C36 is a provincial bill in BC, and it applies to regulated health professionals in the province. The bill proposes to allow the government to require vaccination - whichever vaxx the government deems necessary - as a condition for maintaining a licence to practice.
The proposal is to make it illegal for a medical professional to speak out against such types of treatment, and the government could go in secret to obtain a court order against anyone who does speak out. That person could then be subject to search and seizure, a fine up to $200,000, and jail up to 6 months.
I don't think there is anything about being declared mentally insane in this bill.
Thank you for the clarification and additional details - much appreciated. I have to say, it helps a bit, but honestly ( sadly) it doesn’t make me feel a whole lot better about the direction things are going up there. Things are spiraling in the wrong direction. I’m not really sure where the populous stands on such measures. I’d like to think the vast majority are against even those measures of incremental-ism. The convoys provided some hope.
It is very difficult to get a good read on where the people are at. My fear is that too many are deeply sleeping - although the truckers did make clear that the awakened population is not insignificant.