"Huma (previously known as Medopad) is a British healthcare technology company based in London, UK. It produces applications that integrate health data from existing hospital databases as well as patient wearables and other mobile devices and securely transmits it for use by doctors"
You think of oilfield service companies as those who do the grunt work in the oilfield. Officially, oilfield equipment and services (OFS) is all the products and services that help with oil and gas exploration and production. It includes those companies that discover pockets of oil, energy data management, drilling companies, well construction companies, and production and completion services. These are the companies, like Northern Oilfield Services based out of Williston, that repair and maintain oilfield equipment, as well as companies that are involved in the extraction and transportation side."
Timestamp 10:00 - 11:00, John Ratcliffe's comment about "...17 witnesses... could have been a 117...", Dec 9, 2022
Il Donaldo's YT channel, Dec 9,2022 - a video called China =1minute 17 seconds
It looks like Comms
this is leading me to believe Alwaleed was behind LV event ?
When DerpState tried to assassinate good guys, failed, then targeted civilians to further muh guns bad narrative.
"Never let a ... Go to waste" someone who did something
drumming up wars for the sake of Halliburton sucking up all the funds to funnel back to bush and others
Relevant and Timely themes include:
Money Laundering b/c of war
FOIA'd documents being recently released
The arrest of Alaweed (Blackmail changing hands) = assets flipped
Research appreciated 👍
"Huma (previously known as Medopad) is a British healthcare technology company based in London, UK. It produces applications that integrate health data from existing hospital databases as well as patient wearables and other mobile devices and securely transmits it for use by doctors"
Edit: What is HUMA? Define.
How is Alaweed and BO tied to HUMA?
Edit: https://qposts.online/?q=77&s=postnum
What is oil field service?
"WHAT IS AN OILFIELD SERVICE COMPANY? You think of oilfield service companies as those who do the grunt work in the oilfield. Officially, oilfield equipment and services (OFS) is all the products and services that help with oil and gas exploration and production. It includes those companies that discover pockets of oil, energy data management, drilling companies, well construction companies, and production and completion services. These are the companies, like Northern Oilfield Services based out of Williston, that repair and maintain oilfield equipment, as well as companies that are involved in the extraction and transportation side."
What is the primary mode of influence that drives corruption?
Propaganda? The carrot of Money? The stick of social ostracization? = Twitter goals?