posted ago by TheWestDeclines ago by TheWestDeclines +9 / -0

Like many of you, I've been a digital soldier since Q first started posting on 4chan. I was in some of the Q threads as they were posting, live, and I remember the absolute tidal wave of shilling and bot posting that went on to counteract the Q posts.

I encourage everyone to engage in this information on the digital battlefield. (If you can engage IRL, that's awesome, like running for local office, school boards, etc.) How do you engage in this information war? By sharing information. By engaging them where they live. I'm talking Facebook, Reddit, and Wikipedia.

The three sites I recommend to visit regularly for information are /pol, GAW, and

From these sites collect memes and legitimate source materials. Use this as your ammunition. Tread carefully wherever you post. I mean, use your head. If you're posting as yourself, be cautious. if you have an anonymous account, it's easier to post what you want. Still, use your head.

On Facebook, it'd be best to post well-sourced articles like those on The Federalist.

On Reddit, try posting in /r/AskTrumpSupporters/. From there you could move on to r/politics or maybe /r/LeftvsRightDebate/ or even /r/conspiracy/ or r/Conservative/. Normies live on Reddit, so meet them there and engage them there.

On Wikipedia, you could make your account to edit articles in your professional field, and then branch out to edit articles of importance to us.