Years of research. I can only point you in the right direction to research and seek it out if your interested.
The esalen institute was set up to influence American society through the insertion of new age philosophy/ spiritualism and drug use. DoD connections are prevalent as well.
(My opinion: it was mkultra evolving from individual to experimenting on a mass influencing scale)
The esalen institute was also used to allow communism into this country to begin its propaganda campaigns.
Compare Alice Baileys 10 point plan to the communist plan to subvert a country.
Lucis trust was set up and established by Bailey to influence politics and establish the U.n/ nato one world agenda.
The theosophical society has its fingerprints over many of the characters involved and threads interesting connections.
Circumstantial evidence builds to an overwhelming conclusion of narrative. Just compare the overall theme and outcome of both the Weimar Republic and the counter culture movement and their outcomes. Many philosophies and influences are prevalent in both movements.
Ordo ab chao.
Problem reaction solution. Totalitarianism is always the intended result. Fascism, communism amd “democratic” socialism do not compete with each other. Money always funds both sides of the narrative and moves the ball closer to this one world takeover.
I had presumed Alice bailey to be a stupid woman bent on starting a new religion for fame and glory..her plan with krishnamurti failed as he saw through it and left..but I had not seen anything to show it was a deliberate plan. It's good to know that.
What do you make of Helen Blavatsky? Gurdjieff said she contributed nothing new and he had wasted some time checking out some of her Egyptian stuff. Some of the stuff seemed to because deluded
The thread and influence her life weaves is very interesting. Trace it back further to Helena Blavatsky and you get characters like Albert Pike and Aleistar Crowley which both weave a different thread but part of the same tapestry that intertwine. All have relevance to today and piece together a better picture of what is unfolding.
Secret societies, as well, tie both the two countries and cultures together and would be a good place to start if you wanted to find the connections.
My interest at the time was in connection with krishnamurti and how it shaped how he turned out....
I was and remain interested in gurdjieff and his way of bringing people to a more rapid spiritual growth of self development than the known ways of the monk (the emotions) the fakir (the body) or the yogi. (Mind)
To take elements all three and take some short cuts..his fourth way what interests me
Years of research. I can only point you in the right direction to research and seek it out if your interested.
The esalen institute was set up to influence American society through the insertion of new age philosophy/ spiritualism and drug use. DoD connections are prevalent as well. (My opinion: it was mkultra evolving from individual to experimenting on a mass influencing scale)
The esalen institute was also used to allow communism into this country to begin its propaganda campaigns.
Compare Alice Baileys 10 point plan to the communist plan to subvert a country.
Lucis trust was set up and established by Bailey to influence politics and establish the U.n/ nato one world agenda.
The theosophical society has its fingerprints over many of the characters involved and threads interesting connections.
Circumstantial evidence builds to an overwhelming conclusion of narrative. Just compare the overall theme and outcome of both the Weimar Republic and the counter culture movement and their outcomes. Many philosophies and influences are prevalent in both movements.
Ordo ab chao. Problem reaction solution. Totalitarianism is always the intended result. Fascism, communism amd “democratic” socialism do not compete with each other. Money always funds both sides of the narrative and moves the ball closer to this one world takeover.
Do some research and look at all the occultic symbolism within Astana, Kazakhstan. Very interesting.
Thank you so much for link..I have seen Astana.
I had presumed Alice bailey to be a stupid woman bent on starting a new religion for fame and glory..her plan with krishnamurti failed as he saw through it and left..but I had not seen anything to show it was a deliberate plan. It's good to know that.
What do you make of Helen Blavatsky? Gurdjieff said she contributed nothing new and he had wasted some time checking out some of her Egyptian stuff. Some of the stuff seemed to because deluded ?
The thread and influence her life weaves is very interesting. Trace it back further to Helena Blavatsky and you get characters like Albert Pike and Aleistar Crowley which both weave a different thread but part of the same tapestry that intertwine. All have relevance to today and piece together a better picture of what is unfolding.
Secret societies, as well, tie both the two countries and cultures together and would be a good place to start if you wanted to find the connections.
My interest at the time was in connection with krishnamurti and how it shaped how he turned out....
I was and remain interested in gurdjieff and his way of bringing people to a more rapid spiritual growth of self development than the known ways of the monk (the emotions) the fakir (the body) or the yogi. (Mind)
To take elements all three and take some short cuts..his fourth way what interests me