December 11, 2022 Redemption through Repentance from sin This morning God convicted me of something. I am guilty of judging evil men and calling for God’s vengeance on them an while I will still be henceforth be praying for heir repentance and redemption first. I have prayed for this many times before but my anger keeps making me forget. I myself was guilty of the most evil sins. I was an adulteress both in my heart and actions, I committed sins against my marriage, own body, sins against those I loved most in how I treated them, I lied and was deceitful, I held grudges, resentment, bitterness, wanted revenge and justice for things others including my own parents did to me. I sinned the worst by doing these things against my God who I love and who loves me more than any human could. It was like I was nailing my Jesus to the cross all over again. I WAS a MOST WRETCHED SINNER. I hated myself so much. Then I brought all these things to God in utter humility and and sought forgiveness and because Jesus forgave me, I have been redeemed and healed I am no longer that person, I am free from the prison I had put myself in. The same goes for every vile, evil, sick, murderous monster, perverted pedophile or rapist, treasonous traitor, abuser, drunk, addict, criminal, drug dealer, oppressive dictator, gang member, kidnapper, terrorist, whatever they may be whether they deserve it or not. So long as we have air in our lungs and the ability to reason and think. Whether we like it or not, whether they deserve it or not. God is no respecter of persons. He judges the heart and whether we come to Him in humble repentance or not. 2 Peter 3:9 The Lord is not slow in keeping His promises, as some would understand slowness, instead He is patient with you, not wanting anyone to perish, but everyone to come to repentance. John 3:16 For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him, shall not perish but have everlasting life.
Paul in the Bible was guilty o having Christians hunted down and killed until God spoke to him audibly and convicted his heart. Paul repented and became one of the biggest, most prominent Christian leaders of the New Testament and preached the gospel everywhere. Two weeks before my Grama’s 80th Birthday (shortly before she was diagnosed with dementia) a man broke into her house (where she lived alone) in the middle of the night and he spent the night beating her black and blue and raping her. I was at his sentencing (he’d made a plea agreement so there was no trial) I along with several family members and neighbors spoke to both the judge and him. That man (seemed very genuine and asked for forgiveness) Most told him they hoped he would rot in hell, I told him that I would be praying for him to come out of prison a changed man and that forgiveness would take time. (Grama by then could no longer remember to be able to forgive) I kept my promise and even though he got out a long time ago, prosecuting attorney failed to keep his promise to inform us when he would be up for parole, I have no idea what became of his life. What I do know is that I had peace about regularly praying for this man. I have finally forgiven him now that nearly twenty years has passed that is what God wants. Romans 12:19 Beloved, never avenge yourselves, but leave it to the wrath of God, for it is written, “Vengeance is mine, I will repay, says the Lord.” My dad spent twenty five years as a homeless alcoholic. He waited until two months before a stroke took away his walking, swallowing and thinking abilities to repent and come to Jesus when a pastor reached him in jail on a DUI. He’d thought he had to get his life right and in order first and since he saw his two brothers who were part time ministers as total hypocrites, he didn’t want to be like them. When my dad was dying of cancer two and a half years later I was at the hospital with him. He could barely speak and I was doing alot of crying. He whispered his trademark “quit yer worrying” and pointing up said “heaven.” My brother spent his last night with him and he called me in the morning to tell me dad had passed away. “Julie, it was crazy! There were these dark clouds just hanging over the hospital. At the very moment dad passed, a bright beam of sun shined right into his room.” I told him “that was Jesus taking him by the hand saying ‘come on Roy, time to come home, no more sickness, no more pain’ “ I know my dad was redeemed. jWinters
Psalm 58:10 The godly will rejoice when they see injustice avenged. They will wash their feet in the blood of the wicked.
Yet we should be praying for their repentance and redemption first for God is not willing that any should perish.