posted ago by lifelibertyproperty ago by lifelibertyproperty +18 / -0

Anybody else notice they don't talk about minority groups anymore? They now say "marginalized."

This is a fucking SNEAKY one.

"Ok, you're part of a minority group. That's just the way it is. There aren't a lot of you. It's nobody's fault necessarily. That's just the makeup of this country. But your rights are protected by the Constitution and that's all that matters."

But if you're MARGINALIZED...then somebody marginalized you.

Now your minority status was DONE to you. Now your minority status automatically awards you victimhood by virtue of you having BEEN marginalized. You're walking proof of injustice, JUST by virtue of the fact that there are less of you. You are automatically a victim because you're not just a minority, you're MARGINALIZED.

Those sneaky fuckers.

Don't let them use that anymore.

On Twitter and elsewhere, if anyone uses the word "marginalized", correct them, and derail the conversation completely until they agree to your term. "You mean minority group. You mean minorities. You mean a minority."

That is all.