I support Russia because NATO is basically trying to put missiles right on its borders. Also because all Putin is doing is protecting his people that live in Ukraine and the Donbass. He is fighting the NAZIs without any help. He hates the globalists and is actively trying to screw with them by backing the ruble with gold. Russia isn't the USSR anymore and no one there wants to be a communist, unlike the US right now. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, a center for money laundering and human trafficking. Vladimir Putin is doing Gods work, bless him for that. Besides, Russians are cool!
I support Russia because NATO is basically trying to put missiles right on its borders. Also because all Putin is doing is protecting his people that live in Ukraine and the Donbass. He is fighting the NAZIs without any help. He hates the globalists and is actively trying to screw with them by backing the ruble with gold. Russia isn't the USSR anymore and no one there wants to be a communist, unlike the US right now. Ukraine is one of the most corrupt countries in the world, a center for money laundering and human trafficking. Vladimir Putin is doing Gods work, bless him for that. Besides, Russians are cool!