I’ve flipped through it quickly, and this little book, which measures 5” x 5”, is absolutely overflowing with comms, it seems. Some initial finds:
On the top of the spine is a tiny Ghost Army patch (more on that in a second) with the 3 red lightning bolts replaced with “5 G W”
Inside the front cover is a 12 hour clock, set to 11:55, with a caption of “Learn before it’s too late” in the center, and each hour replaced with a QR code that links to a YouTube video. The 2 o’clock video is “Ghosts in the Machine”
I am certain there are a ton more comms to dig on and there is definitely a lot of great info in the manual itself. Every anon should have a copy - I ordered 3 so I can give one to family as a stocking stuffer and the other to another anon.
I gave it the quick review. Yes, those links do look culty. Look, I dunno. As a former analyst, I factor in all angles - personal experience, research, motive, etc. I give Flynn a 90% confidence rating based on my overall analysis. I don't know where he came up with it. A staffer could have handed him a print out with the transcript and he thought - hmmm, this looks good.
What I do know is that there was never anyone or anything associated with his circle which set of red flags with me and I'm pretty sensitive to such things.
Until he takes a left turn, I'll continue to give him high confidence. At one point I voted for Bush 1, Bush 2, Romney and NoName and look where we are at now.
I'll give the General a hall pass on this one because it's pretty small peanuts in the scheme of things. Weigh the good vs the unexplained.
I enjoy seeing new information. I'll always be civil until I'm not. The second Flynn does something anti-Patriot, I'll turn on a dime. In matters of arcane religion, I'll relegate them to secondary factors. I'll take his book on 5GW, the work he's done, the movement he's led, and the Patriotism he's espoused as primary factors. Take a listen to his interview on X22 recently. And don't forget, he's smarter than you and I combined when it comes to being a master tactician - maybe there is a play here neither of us see.