Gonna start off by saying I love the forum and the information digging that you do. There is only one problem I have with this forum that bugs me too no end. Why in the fuck are you demonizing/criticizing vaxxed people? You are seriously no better than the ones you hate, the left, the right. I see people on here, that are okay with them dying because "there will be less stupid people in the world to mess it up", or "they had it coming, we warned them". What the fuck makes you so special? Just because you saw through it first. You were oh so smart that you figured it out? Get the fuck out of here with that shit. It's for sure ain't your smartness considering I've seen multiple examples on this forum, including my own, where you have met a person who is smart/smarter than you, who still believes the government lies. So are they stupid?
Sure, maybe a very small sum can say they say through the bullshit from the very beginning, but the rest of us, no we can not. I'm pretty sure I can confidently say, is that you either heard someone talking about it, someone mentioned it to you, or you saw someone post about Q on some social media and you were curious so you went down the rabbithole. Don't fucking forget, you were once one of these idiots before you became awakened. You just happened to be lucky and found this information before the rest of the population.
We scream and bitch when the left cheers when someone dies or is apathetic and thinks the world is better that they are gone. You see how you are a bit hypocritical? I get that some of you are REALLY frustrated with how things are and how they came to be. How your friends, family, coworkers just can't see reality for what it really is. How said family, friends, coworkers demonize you, even though you know in your heart that you are right, but there is something that you need to understand that many of you have forgotten: They also think like that too.
Like I said in the beginning, you were once one of them. Be it either Democrat or (old version)Republican. Just like how I was, and just like how you were, you once thought the government/media was all sunshine and rainbows and they would never do something that sinister, we have checks and balances in place to prevent that. Obviously we know this shit ain't true, but a lot of people don't. You also need to understand, the reason the majority of the Q moment at the beginning were republicans was because it mention mostly Democrats at the beginning and their treason. So obviously republicans would gravitate towards that, but then find out later that the Republicans are also shit. But if you were a Democrat, who likes Obama, and you see this shit where it states Hillary/Obama going to jail, of course they would shoo it off. Then add the fact that most Democrats and Republicans have their own echo chamber. The Republicans would be the one to injest it, while the Democrats echo chamber denies it. So of course most of the Democrats/lefties are the ones that repeat the lies of the media/government.
These people were scared, they still believe in the government so of course they believe that Covid was deadly. You are really gonna demonize/criticize someone for wanting to be safe by taking the vaccine? Seriously? These people were SCARED. They have never experienced a situation like this. Their only reference is the Black Plague and Polio. And seeing how those went, they assume it would be the same with Covid. So it makes sense that they would get angry at you when you don't where a mask or don't take the shot because in their mind, they are doing the right thing, and they believe it in their heart. Like I said in the beginning, you were just fucking lucky that you saw it first because you were most likely a republican in the beginning. I seriously don't know where this ego/superioty came from just because you knew about the covid information first.
I'm starting to ramble but the jist of it is, stop being fucking assholes and have some compassion and empathy for these people. You are not special, you are not this genius you think you are. I'm not even fucking religious but isn't somewhere in the bible to love thy neighbor and shit. Jesus Fucking Christ. Aren't we supposed to love humanity, not celebrate its destruction. Also, if you are one those people who say "why should I care for someone if they wish death upon me", then you didn't read my fucking post and you are a straight up asshole.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
PS. Sorry if there is any spelling/grammar mistakes. English was never really one of my best subjects, though I was great at math kek.
Edit: I think I need to add this context because I'm didn't notice till now people are assuming I just barely awakened. Far from that lol. Was a user at T_D on reddit in 2015. Then migrated to the .win version when reddit took it down. Then Patriots.win. Then finally this forum. Already knew all the pedo shit and corrupt government, Q just tied it more coherently. Had to delete my account because I used a username that I use for everything, so I didn't want to get doxed just in case. If any new people who read this. No I don't think you actually are an asshole. It was just to ruffle some feathers because some people have become to Jaded. Which I understand, but how do you expect to unite the world when the people you ridicule are the people we need to awaken. Learn to forgive, but obviously don't forget. Or just call me a faggot lol🤷
Some of us here have more empathy than others. It's just the way it is anywhere you go. I get where you're coming from, but you need to be more understanding that this is a collective of people from all walks of life, in various stages of emotions from our rights (and dignity) having been trampled on the last several years. Some have simply cracked and become somewhat desensitized to caring about other's feelings.. while others are actually seeking to hurt the community's reputation.
It is perfectly fine to not agree with everyone you encounter here, but don't take things to heart.
I just copied one of my replies to another person in this thread. I'm starting to understand that people think I'm new to this Cabal DS thing, oops 😅
Copy: Man I should of worded it better because people are assuming I'm new here. Well this account technically yes, but I was an OG T_D on reddit back in 2015. Then had one on the Donald.win before it became patriots.win.So all this is not new to me. Just getting annoyed that people don't have empathy is all. Over the years I've seen people loose compassion for others and it's just sad too me 😕The people we ridicule are the very same people we are trying to awaken.
Well I can't speak for everyone else, but I do my research before replying, as everyone should, to gather as much info before giving an informed response. Could tell that you are in the know, but more or less just snapped at something that annoyed you. My point wasn't to be condescending, but rather to give you a reminder that we need to be mindful of how we appear, even when promoting awareness of a lack of sensitivity. As the public face of the great awakening, the goal of every one of us here should be to put this movement above ourselves and respond respectfully and peacefully, with behavior that is above reproach, as though we are being watched (because we are). I know you get it though.
Oh no no lol. You weren't condescending don't worry. I don't take things to heart like that. Though you do make a good point about being respectful. I guess I wanted to show them how it feels to be on the receiving end 😅. I won't do this again obviously. That was my only real gripe. Don't care if you are Christian, catholic, Jewish, gay, bi, etc. As long as you don't push that stuff on me or push it to the general public. Let people find stuff on their own. That's been my philosophy.