The trading cards are the Noise, we have to find the Signal.
Watch what else Trump does today. Love or hate the noise, Trump did just get all eyes and ears on him. The sensationalism this "MAJOR ANNOUNCEMENT" has is all showmanship to turn heads.
Look at what he just posted:
This is the Signal.
People critical of Trump are gonna look at everything he says after this "debacle" in order to make fun of him. Fine, do that. It plays right into Trump's plan. They're paying attention to him now. They're also leading others to pay attention as well.
Trump, more than anyone else, knows that any publicity is good publicity -- if you know how to pay your hand right.
I watched this 3 times with my wife and we both came to the same conclusion, President Trump's inauguration that he mentions is Not 2025 but 2023. Everything he pointed to is happening Now and Needed Now. America will be a totally different nation by the November 2024 elections If Biden is allowed to finish the damage he has inflicted upon us. We Need Trump immediately and his super hero trading cards are pointing to him coming to America's rescue in the nick of time. All 75 million Trump voters need to Demand he become the next Speaker of the House. This will aid in his immediate inauguration once Biden's crap hits the fan and that day is rapidly approaching and Trump as Speaker can make his removal happen as he will have access to information and the ability to get it into the mainstream of public view.