posted ago by Azshadow6 ago by Azshadow6 +18 / -0

Does this announcement indicate that fusion as an energy source is near? Unfortunately not. NIF does some great science but fusion has long suffered from over promising so we should make sure we have appropriate context for these results.

400 MJ needed to power the flashbulbs that powers the fuel, this produces a 4 MJ IR laser pulse which is frequency converted to a 2 MJ UV laser pulse. This means obviously that the 3.15 MJ is obviously not larger than the total energy spent on the system. There are undoubtedly huge energy efficiency gains to be made in the laser, as efficiency was not the goal



The energy is clearly not recovered. A functional Fusion plant needs some kind of energy recovery system in place. Similar to steam engines, it’s a one time heat expansion and the energy is lost.

The net energy gain is achieved only within the capsule where they can heat up the fuel to 150 million degrees Celsius. There is NOT a net energy gain for the entire reactor.

Is there a new “green energy” or climate agenda push?did they expend their ammo once again on DJT’s major announcement?