Adults with post-trans regret need to go after every adult that signed off on the treatment: school guidance counselors, schools, principals, parents, therapists, doctors, pharmacies, facilities and boards of directors and insurance providers: every single one of them. Then go after all the legislators and governors for the state whose laws allowed it.
You can't unring a bell but you can sure make sure you can live the rest of your life comfortably and set a clear warning to other adults thinking about signing off on another childs' transition therapies.
Adults with post-trans regret need to go after every adult that signed off on the treatment: school guidance counselors, schools, principals, parents, therapists, doctors, pharmacies, facilities and boards of directors and insurance providers: every single one of them. Then go after all the legislators and governors for the state whose laws allowed it. SCORCHED EARTH! You can't unring a bell but you can sure make sure you can live the rest of your life comfortably and set a clear warning to other adults thinking about signing off on another childs' transition therapies.