Fools can't come to the party late and try to reverse it or redesign it.
Back to the drawing board, God has this one handled already.
Why is this weapon allowed in this country in blue cities?, its a weapon on the American Middle class as usual, I refer you to China where none of this is being done.
If it looks like a guy and gets pissed when I say 'he' the only way to solve the issue is drop your pants and lets see whats there. And vice versa. Otherwise shut up.
Creation was created many years ago.
Fools can't come to the party late and try to reverse it or redesign it.
Back to the drawing board, God has this one handled already.
Why is this weapon allowed in this country in blue cities?, its a weapon on the American Middle class as usual, I refer you to China where none of this is being done.
Whom the gods would destroy they first make "sie,ve,xe ,ze etcetera ad nauseum!
Ridicule, just laugh at them for all the FakeWords. They are making themselves into idiots.
If it looks like a guy and gets pissed when I say 'he' the only way to solve the issue is drop your pants and lets see whats there. And vice versa. Otherwise shut up.
i have 3 cats .... 2 are males 1 is female
fuck their baalshit
I also have 3 cats...2 females and one male, and 2 horses, both male. All neutered, but that doesn't change their sex.
Doesn't English already have gender neutral words?
thee thou thy thine ye one
Are the rainbow muppets just re-inventing the wheel?