376 Name Redacted Thread: 1) After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that formerly worked at FBI/CIA/NSA/DHS: (threadreaderapp.com) posted 2 years ago by BuckeyeAnon 2 years ago by BuckeyeAnon +376 / -0 Thread by @NameRedacted247 on Thread Reader App @NameRedacted247: 1. After learning that Twitter employs at least 15 former FBI agents, I searched Facebook. What I found is alarming Facebook currently employs at least 115 people, in high-ranking positions, that f...… 38 comments share 38 comments share save hide report block hide replies
People need to know the truth .it is a honeypot and if trumps son is CEO it's going to be a very bad move indeed.