We should also note that these “vaccines” were already developed. They never intended to do any true testing as we’ve seen because they want the test data locked up for the next 75 years. The patents were set years ago. Forever lockdowns to break the population was the cabals A plan. And just 2 years of it really ducked up people and society. 10years of lockdowns would have broken 90% of the world.
We should also note that these “vaccines” were already developed. They never intended to do any true testing as we’ve seen because they want the test data locked up for the next 75 years. The patents were set years ago. Forever lockdowns to break the population was the cabals A plan. And just 2 years of it really ducked up people and society. 10years of lockdowns would have broken 90% of the world.
And thank God net neutrality was not imposed.
Right or what we’re doing here wouldn’t be happening
You are 100% right.