I think DJT realized: 1). How many people were being killed or injured every year by Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC, and the medical community via prescriptions, vaccines, expensive practices (cancer, labor and delivery, etc.), 2) intelligence informed DJT what was being planned by Big Pharma, our government, hospitals, business leaders and doctors in the form of various Pandemics and lock downs that would injure and eventually kill us, 3) DJT was also informed of FEMA camps where they fully expected to round up the unvaccinated and put them to force vaccinate, the hell with the Constitution. Then once their mass extermination took place with the willing and unwilling, the Cabal and its minions would starve the rest out by further crop pollution and control of food distribution, or freeze them out via control of fuel for cooking, heating and transportation. Those who did not comply would go to FEMA camps, be killed out right, or be deprived of food, heating and banking (cutting off their digital banking).
I think DJT realized: 1). How many people were being killed or injured every year by Big Pharma, the FDA, CDC, and the medical community via prescriptions, vaccines, expensive practices (cancer, labor and delivery, etc.), 2) intelligence informed DJT what was being planned by Big Pharma, our government, hospitals, business leaders and doctors in the form of various Pandemics and lock downs that would injure and eventually kill us, 3) DJT was also informed of FEMA camps where they fully expected to round up the unvaccinated and put them to force vaccinate, the hell with the Constitution. Then once their mass extermination took place with the willing and unwilling, the Cabal and its minions would starve the rest out by further crop pollution and control of food distribution, or freeze them out via control of fuel for cooking, heating and transportation. Those who did not comply would go to FEMA camps, be killed out right, or be deprived of food, heating and banking (cutting off their digital banking).