Related subject… I am in fairly rural MO. A couple of weeks ago as I was getting off the highway to drive back through the wooded roads that connect to my house I noticed a bright light overhead. It looked like a spotlight. As I turned off the high way and drive along the backroads I kept an eye on it. Eventually the spotlight went off, but there were still “nav” lights on the sides. What I thought was strange is that helicopters are LOUD, but I couldn’t hear anything. As I kept driving toward my house I eventually ended up directly beneath it. There was nobody behind me, so I came to a stop and opened the windows. Not only was it quiet, it was SILENT. I’ve heard many drones before - I even own one, but even drones make a pretty good racket with those four little high speed motors whirring away. I estimate it was only 100’ - 150’ in the air, but there was no moonlight to speak of, so I couldn’t even see a silhouette, just the lights. It was too close and too quiet to even be a drone. Besides, who would be flying a silent drone down this empty country road? I don’t have any answers, it was just weird. I’m glad my daughter was with me to corroborate my story.
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