I found out today that the reason why some of my relatives don’t want to invite me over for Christmas is because they don’t think I’m for democracy (because I don’t want to wear a mask, because I petitioned to recall a local politician, because I’m an “election denier”, because im so truth based that Pinocchio would not stand a chance with me in a debate, etc.). I’m planning to invite myself (and family) over anyway, even if we have to ‘crash the party’. Any advice on how my GAW frens would handle this one? Thanks! in advance!
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If you're serious about celebrating Christmas, remember what you're there to celebrate. Each of us has a little different variation. The more religious focus on the birth of Christ. The less religious focus on being grateful for family and love. I'm not here to tell you how to enjoy the holiday, only to suggest that rather than fighting a political battle, it might be a better choice, especially if you have kids to avoid drama and keep the focus positive.
It's never a great idea to go where you're not wanted. Yes, there are times when you need to fight your battles. I'd suggest that Christmas isn't that time. And honestly, it's the communists who want you tearing apart your family instead of trying to bring it together. They thrive on division.
If you do decide to go anyway, try and keep the focus on family. If you really care about each other, you can avoid politicking for a few hours, if nothing else than for the sake of the kids. Don't go loaded for bear and spoiling for a fight. If anything, I'd pull a Sun Tzu: when strong, appear weak. Fight your battle when they're not prepared.