Fenbendazole; My Experience and that of my Neighbors:
Hey! It’s been a while?! I’ve missed my GAw family. I have a set of informative accounts, with no studies to back them up, about mine and my neighbors both fighting cancer while the world burns. First, I’m just glad it’s not 2020 or I never would have gone to the Hospital. Second, but my main concern at the time, was about them giving me vaxxed blood during my almost 14 hour surgery. . Since there’s so little online about this cancer “miracle”, other patients need at least ~HOPE~. I’ll try not to tangent while keeping it brief to ensure your attention. Also Disclaimer; I’m not a Dr this is for information purposes only.
Most here have heard about Joe Tippens account of his victory over cancer(?). (Link below). Thanks to his angel-friend who worked for Merck Veterinary Labs, he took the canine version of the anti-parasitic (FDA approved for humans) drug fenbendazole as he prepared to basically die riddled with cancer. Again, his story is in the link below. So he put his experience in a blog and being a post cancer patient who does research, I found it. My first bout with cancer had me taking quite a list of “anti-cancer” supplements and a regime of treatments as a maintenance protocol, as I was afraid of recurrence. So when I came across Joe’s blog I added fenbendazole to that list.
Thanks to the 36 radiation treatments to my throat my teeth began rotting and either I pulled them or the Dentist did. I was aiming for dentures as implants weren’t going to happen, again thanks to chemo & radiation damage to my skull. I had the last 3 teeth removed around end of March 2022 and was on track for dentures. However I got a “dry socket” in one and it wasn’t healing right, plus the tissue had some black and white discoloration. My dentist had taken a 2-month vacation and the backlog put me to the end of July before I could be seen. Stupidly I didn’t go to another dentist, and hindsight this my biggest mistake. Due to the discoloration flag I did however restart all my treatments “just in case”, to include fenbendazole. Sidenote; so one day I was shopping online to see current pricing on fenbendazole, and saw some Amazon links for it & “for humans”. There appeared to be 2 labs selling it on *Amazon and the specs were identical incl pricing. They’re not allowed to make claims to efficacy obviously, but the Reviews indicated at least half the customers were buying it to treat cancer. *As we all know, Amazon is a-hole so buy direct from Sanare Labs fyi at following link; https://www.sanarelab.com/fenbendazol-222-mg-90-capsules-purity-99.html Link is to the dosage product I took, and interestingly it’s made at same dosage as the canine dewormer?! Note; I get nothing from this 👈🏻 just gotta say that.
So I see dentist end July, he refers it to a dental surgeon who takes biopsy. You guessed it, cancer. That surgeon sends me to an ENT surgeon and a PetScan shows him how much it’s progressed. He assured me he’d done this surgery dozens of times and he is the department head so in 3 weeks I’m scheduled for the removal of the right half of my lower jaw, with replacement bone to be harvested from my upper-back scapula. His main concern was that it had moved into my lymph nodes.
I used those 3 weeks to rally my family to come & take care of my pitbull puppy and help me during recovery upon my return home. I also bombarded my system with maximum dosages of several treatment protocols, supplements and of course fenbendazole. I took it twice/day and the following is important; take with food, best with fats incl avocado if leaning vegan. Also, and the original guy Joe take turmeric and some Omega-3. With the turmeric I took Beta Glucan, DHA, Vit-E and Vitamins D3 and A. I prayed and my hopes were high. The discoloration in tooth socket kept morphing ie changing color, changing size etc and I believed I was winning the battle.
Surgery was a grueling 14 hours and had no idea how well my treatments did, or whether I’d get vaxxed blood? Recovery was difficult at best, and was told they didn’t need any blood. THANKS GOD!! At about a week in ICU my surgeon came by & told me they’d removed all the cancerous bone and my lymph nodes biopsies came back. They “removed 40 lymph nodes” and none had cancer!! The reason I didn’t name the Hospital system is obvious, but to my surgeon’s credit he told me this; “most patients with this cancer/procedure we see cancer migrated to the lymph nodes”. Especially with the amount of time involved, about 6 months. “Your treatments must have worked”. Lastly, I’ll never know how far the cancer spread, or survived in my jaw but it’s considered gone. Since there’s been almost no documentation and testing we’re all shooting from the hip. The fenbendazole killed all the cancer in soft tissue/organs, but could it have worked in the bones if say, another month of treatments had been applied? I have a PetScan scheduled in about 3 weeks.
This is already so long, but my neighbors case is more dramatic so check this out. I accompanied my neighbor to 2 of her Oncologist appointments. She had cancer in her lower abdomen which had spread itself around half her organs so surgery was a no-go. It was decided to go the chemo route hoping it would shrink the tumor enough where surgery was possible? Note; When I first went with her the tumor made her abdomen look like maybe a first trimester pregnancy, but by end of forthcoming chemo treatments it looked like a full pregnancy. It was size of a volleyball (at least)! So 6 bags of chemo later and it had actually GROWN some!!! Very disappointing AND SCARY!! So what did her Oncologist say? “I can’t help you any further”. Unreal. I had briefed her fully prior about fenbendazole, but she’d decided to do the chemo by itself so post treatment data reflected just the chemo. It was a scary time but she’s a fighter left with one option?
I hadn’t mentioned both her hips are bone on bone, but hip replacements delayed due to the cancer. So she went on it twice a day with food adding some of the extra supplements I mentioned for 3 weeks. No side effects, no interactions, no other issues. Then around the three week mark one night she awoke to have evacuated “gallons” of waste. This toxin release went on for a few days. She added Activated Charcoal twice/day during this period to help absorb and rid her of the toxins. Being the trooper she is she went right back on the treatment. The amazing thing is her volleyball sized tumor literally “deflated” 100%!!!! Her stomach was and still is flat!! This procedure was repeated three times with each treatment seeing less and less sickness and waste. She’s on her fourth round now. She was initially so excited she called everyone she knows to spread the news. It is very exciting.
So big pharma has known about this for about 40 years, and as Joe Tippens states in his blog, how many millions could have been saved? Sorry for the length, and I apologize to everyone waiting for me to post this; there are a few angels here that I told this would be out last week, but holidays & further health issues precluded that. I love you all.
Resources; https://mycancerstory.rocks/