If you see left and/vs/or right ideology like this,
<-----[Extreme Left]-----[Left]-----[Center]-----[Right]-----[Extreme Right]----->
and can bend it into a loop to see it like this,
[Left] /// \\\ [Right]
--- ---
\\\ ///
[Extreme Left/Right]
then you might be able to consider how we've been purposefully misled to not see this,
[C e n t e r]
and It might also explain why there's so much confusion between left and right where only two aims are clear: the many extremes walking the wide path, and the few centered walking the narrow path.
The Great Awakening
We need to be ..in the middle way..the path of moderation.....
It is said there is going to be a violent swing of the pendulum to the right and it will be as extreme as the left woke ideology but this will be fundamentalist..similar to the inquisition fanatics mentality...left brain thinking at its worst..no empathy compassion or love...everything the Christ these people say they follow ..actually had..... and urged on his followers ..love one another...totally forgotten by people who have the nerve to call themselves Christians