If you see left and/vs/or right ideology like this,
<-----[Extreme Left]-----[Left]-----[Center]-----[Right]-----[Extreme Right]----->
and can bend it into a loop to see it like this,
[Left] /// \\\ [Right]
--- ---
\\\ ///
[Extreme Left/Right]
then you might be able to consider how we've been purposefully misled to not see this,
[C e n t e r]
and It might also explain why there's so much confusion between left and right where only two aims are clear: the many extremes walking the wide path, and the few centered walking the narrow path.
The Great Awakening
Extreme right, is a concept made up by the left, I am a constitutionalist, anyone that isn't I consider wrong, and the farther away they go the more evil they are. Constitutionalists are typically labeled as extreme right, by the left
Me: everyone should have the right to free speech
Them: you're just like Hitler!
Me now: free helicopter rides for commies, and degenerates get Biblical punishment
I'm done pretending anything other than God's way is tolerable.
I agree, death to the infidels brother