Not Big Brother, but close: a surveillance expert explains some of the ways we're all being watched, all the time
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There are some very good uses for this tech, like keeping an eye on elderly loved ones who live alone. You can be in instant communication with them without calling them and them being near a phone and with the insanely sensitive far field mics they can just say "Alexa, drop into son's house" from damn near anywhere in the house and the unit will pick up their voice. Now, I 100% agree that these devices are being used for nefarious reasons by Amazon and Google. The tech is excellent, but the company's behind them are evil as fuck, and you're right on with the .99 cent devices. Those devices have mics built in that are NOT cheap! My guess is we'll find out that the FBI or CIA is providing the financing for these devices. There's no other way you can sell a device that should be selling for at least $150 for only penny's.
Wow thanks for all that information ! I’m not a techie person, I wouldn’t even know how to install one or maybe u just plug it in! im kind of old fashioned or old school in a lot of ways and it’s actually one of the reasons I don’t have one ,,them spying is another , but they have us under a microscope regardless !