posted ago by Narg ago by Narg +69 / -1

Like many of the more interesting theories and paradigms, this one is an outlier -- not something most physicists would agree with, I believe. But it resonates with me and Muller makes a good case for it.

from NOW: The Physics of Time by Richard A. Muller

Just as space is being generated by the Hubble expansion, so time is being created. The continuous and ongoing creation of new time sets both the arrow of time and its pace. Every moment, the universe gets a little bigger, and there is a little more time, and it is this leading edge of time that we refer to as now. -- Location 4099

The flow of time is not set by the entropy of the universe, but by the Big Bang itself. The future does not yet exist (despite its inclusion in standard space-time diagrams); it is being created. Now is at the boundary, the shock front, the new time that is coming from nothing, the leading edge of time. -- Location 4103

Your focus on the present comes largely from the fact that, unlike the past, it is subject to your free will. -- Location 4119

Now is the only moment when we can exercise influence, the only moment when we can direct the increase in entropy away from ourselves so that we can orchestrate local entropy to decrease. Such local decrease is the source of expanded life and civilization. To direct entropy in that way, we must have free will -- a capability that physicalists call an illusion, even though current quantum theory has similar behavior built into its essence. -- Location 4285

Free will is the ability to use nonphysics knowledge to make decisions. Free will needs do no more than choose among the accessible futures. It doesn't stop the increase of entropy, but it can exercise control over accessible states, and that gives entropy direction. Free will can be used to break a teacup or to make a new one. It can be used to start a war, or to seek peace. -- Location 4308